After a whole day of painting and fixing in the new studio I wanted to finish my day working on at least one picture. I took a picture from a fotosession with model Oskar made earlier this year and I worked on it until I was satisfied.
When I see that picture it makes me somehow feel sad, makes me think and realize that there is a part of the marriages that break because society and family expect too much of one. If we take THE MAN as an example:
1) you have to be a successfull man and bring a good pay at home
2) you have to be goodlooking
3) you have to be a good father
4) you should definitively find the time as well to help at home
5) you maybe should as well find the time to go out with friends
6) you have to be a great lover as well
you have to
you have to
you have to
... just thinking........
Open for discussion.
The title "ashemed" it's because I do believe that there are a lot of men out there that feel such a pressure on them that they feel ashamed and stressed of not being able to look up to it....what society we all, pretend from them and from us all.