Monday, March 28, 2011


Turistmässa 2011 - Göteborg

På torsdag öppnade TUR mässan sina dörrar för fackfolket och lördag+söndag var det öppet för allmenheten. I år var det verkligen mindre folk än vanligt. Mindre monter, mindre erbjudande och det märktes genom att promenera och prata med folk. Här och där var det några tumma montrar. 79 länder ställde (jämtemot 112 från förra årets rekord siffra) och som TUR-fantast som jag är, så blev jag kvar i två dagar.

Här några highlights från mitt besök och det jag fastnade för mest.


Emmaus tillsammans med PS Praktisk solidaritet hade ett litet monter som vi blev stående ett tag.
En vacker kvinna i 30års ålder serverade te med skumm som vi fick smaka på. En text
SOL, SAND & TORTYR - semestra inte i Marocko fastnade mina ögon för!
Jag blev nyfiken. Det var inte en vanligt monter där man kunde bara boka en resa, tvärtom. Här uppmanade man att inte resa till Marocko, ett diktatur land. Det var inte länge sedan vi hörde på nyheterna om Västsahara och om ett uppror. Marocko ockuperar tyst grannlande sedan 1975.
Vem har inte drömt att besöka Marakesh och den världkända marknaden.

Rabab Amidane i bild. Vacker men en fängslande blick. En stark kvinna, en kvinna som kämpar för sitt land, för sitt folk.
Hon blev mishandlad brutalt i poliscentralen under basaren i Marrakech. Varför? För att hon deltog i en fredlig manifestation. En manifestation för ett fritt Västsahara. Stolt satt hon på mässan och tog emot besökarna som blev nyfiken. Jag hade rejält något att fundera över när jag hälsade och önskade henne lycka till.

Mer information om det här temat hittar ni på

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Found some pictures from last year and I thought I share them with you. We were one week in Irland last Spring. For me it was the second time and I could see the new buildings and the EU money that they used to restore old houses and streets and parks.

Galway is really a special little town on the west coast of Irland. People are lovely and food in the pub, and the music is good.

Here just some street pictures.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Sicily, Province of Trapani

Shephard Vito and his companion came across my view while driving through the beautiful landscape of the province Trapani on the west coast of Sicily.
"750 sheeps and 13 dogs we have" - tells me Vito (on the left) proudly when I ask him. We produce Ricotta (fresh cheese) and sheep cheese as well. Our farm is a few kilometers from here.
I can't stop thinking that I have hardly seen a shephard in Sweden, who does this job anymore?

Vito has his co-worker from north Africa, he hardly speaks any italian. A lot of young sicilian leave their country because they can't find job and to continue the family farm people have to get cheap working labour.
A few days later we see on tv the news of several boats that arrived in Lampedusa island full of emigrant from Tunisia. Where will all those young people go and work and find their happiness.

But today, in this little piece of Sicily everything isso magic, almost romantic, peacefull beside the 750 sheeps bleating.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


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Monday, March 7, 2011


Marseille and its surroundings are knows for something called "Calanques". What is that?
It's a natural inlet. The Mediterranean Sea just cuts between the land and forms these magnificent places, like the picture above. French people like to walk and spend their week-ends out in the nature. You will find here a lot of people taking a bath, or just simply enjoy a pic-nic here with the whole family.

In Cassis you will find the entrance to the Port Miou Calanque, really worth trakking and enjoying the sun, the pine trees and the allround atmosphere.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I am neither christian or religious but intrested in historical buildings when I travel. So the first time I went to Marseille I didn't had time to visit the Basilica the rises above Marseille. On a cold winter day at the end of 2010 finally I made it. After driving winding little road up on the hill, we left the car on the official parking place and climbed up the rest of the stairs. Inside a mess was going on, a lot of people visited the basilica. It's Christimas time.
Candles were litten and thoughts spread to the beloved ones that are not along with us. So did I for my mother.

It's fascinating to enter such a "construction". It's a piece of art, made of hundreds of person and probably or for sure, without the working conditions we have today.

I can admire those imposant buildings as well as get angry by knowing that, they might have better invested the money in food and give it to the poor. But then again, the poor come in here and get a resting moment with themself and the world, and who am I to judge the need of the 1218 builded chapel by the hermit Master Peter. Pilgrim increased over the years. You will find a huge statue of the Blessed Mother carrying her Son, ment to bless the city and its harbour and for all the visitors of Marseille.

Outside of the Basilica you will have a wonderful view over the Mediterranean Sea and the city of Marseille. The Old Port, the mountains and the islands of Frioul and Château d'If.

In the café/restaurant we warm up our frozen bodies. Devoted christians from Africa and Asia serve you good cakes, tea and coffee.