Tuesday, May 12, 2009

UOMO 9th of May 2009


It was meant to be a success......at least for me it was.

At 11.00 I arrived at the gallery and prepared the chocolates, the strawberries, the drinks. Finally at 12.00 the first guests arrived and they arrived all the time until 17.00 when we closed the gallery.

Wonderful chocolates from Emma's Chokolaterie http://www.emmaschoklad.se/ helped the visitors to discover my pictures. Two of our most important senses were that way connected to eachother.

On display 10 photographs:
Spider on canvas

Strawberry magnum on photopaper with a white frame

Luna 1, Luna 2, Mercurio, Drop, Gluteux, Maximus, Golden Back, Empty World and Matrix are printed on aluminiumplate with a layer of silver or gold.

A very special and unique technique that a man, called Mats did for me.

People looked astonished at the pictures and so did I when I got them. Very special. So, if you don't want to miss that effect, go and see the exhibition. Fr and saturday from 12-17 is Galleri Bob open.


  1. I'm still hoping to win Stawberry Man!!! Is the lottery over?

  2. No, it's over at the end of the week.
