Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Monday, 25th of May 2009, 9.10 passed my mother away.
A shock, somehow unexptected. She is gone.
How to deel with this news?

Did I understood right on the phone? Dead..... "morta" said my sister on the phone.
I just didn't wanted to get it into me. "What dead" - I answered, I talked to her
last night and she was fine?

"Morta, la mamma è morta!"

The world crashed for me. She who has always been there for me, who has been
father and mother to me, a friend, MY FAMILY.

Alone, desperate, what is there a meaning to continue without her? Stupid words and thoughts.
It's a completely mess... in my mind, in my heart, in everything.

I am scared. Scared to come down to Lugano, where I was born, where my wonderful and loved mother lived. Scared to enter her apartment without her. Scared of touching her things, have to decide to give them away, choose who gets what, deal with the papers. I have never been so scared in my life...

Never Give Up
No matter what is going on
Never Give Up

from the IXVth Dalai Lama

I will do my best. I don't know when I will be able again to get back to what I was before. Time will tell. So my friends, I will disappear for a while and hopefully come back in July with new pictures. For the moment it's hard to think that I will take some good pictures, but maybe I will, maybe she will guide me to even better ones.


thank you for being the person you are

for the love you gave to everybody,

the positivity you spread in the world,

Thank you for EVERTHING you did for me

and THANK YOU for being in me and believing in me.

Love you forever and see you again in our next life together.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Painter in Paris at Mont-Martre.

I nearly forgot that I had those negatives in my refrigerator. My good friend Peter got them to scan them and here I share with you some old pictures.
This is one of my first model pictures when I started. It was very fun by then to find out how the models should pose.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

UOMO 9th of May 2009


It was meant to be a least for me it was.

At 11.00 I arrived at the gallery and prepared the chocolates, the strawberries, the drinks. Finally at 12.00 the first guests arrived and they arrived all the time until 17.00 when we closed the gallery.

Wonderful chocolates from Emma's Chokolaterie helped the visitors to discover my pictures. Two of our most important senses were that way connected to eachother.

On display 10 photographs:
Spider on canvas

Strawberry magnum on photopaper with a white frame

Luna 1, Luna 2, Mercurio, Drop, Gluteux, Maximus, Golden Back, Empty World and Matrix are printed on aluminiumplate with a layer of silver or gold.

A very special and unique technique that a man, called Mats did for me.

People looked astonished at the pictures and so did I when I got them. Very special. So, if you don't want to miss that effect, go and see the exhibition. Fr and saturday from 12-17 is Galleri Bob open.


To make it possible for "Empty World" to stick out, we sticked on the wall a black studio background.

It's practically impossible to have an exhibition without having helping hands.

My dear friend Greta came last week on thursday and helped me out hanging the pictures. We started at 13.00 and finished at 1.00 that night. Later in the afternoon even Kåre came by. We had a dinner stop at our place before going on until late.

But the result was marvellous.

Haky the responsible of the gallery was also there helping me out.

Thank you guys!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


It's time now...... 2 hours to go to the opening of the vernissage. I am printing out the last sheets and preparing other small things also for the lotteri. Yes, you have the chance to win one of my pictures!
My stomach is having a pretty good time, I thought it would be worse, but my nerves are holding. The pictures have been hanging in the gallery since thursday night. We finished friday morning at 12.45. Greta my good friend helped me so much and we turned the gallery into a really cool place, if I can say so.

I try to stay humble and sometimes, I do proudly look at the pictures and wonder if it was really me making them. It's a weird feeling. And then people come and say "Oh, they are great" and I just have a hard time to get it into me..."are they really so great?". Is it like this artists feel like? Will they ever be satisfied 100% for what they do?

Good friends arrived from Holland, my photographer friend Richie with his wife Sidka. Cool, thinking about that friends do travel so long to come and see your exhibition.

Mats, who did all the pictures was astonished and said that in 40 years of his work, these pictures were something special and they should actually been hanged on "Konstmuseet", the art museum. And now, me little Cornelia, should take this as a huuuuuuge compliment, and I am not used to think that MY pictures could hang on a big gallery. Maybe one day, but I can actually start slowly think about it. Why not?

So, I will let you know how the exhibitioin it's time to put myself together. Oh mamma mia!!!

So, people just come and say hello at Galleri Bob in Bergsjön today and you will get some small little surprise!!

Ciao ciao

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



30 april 2009, 100 År Cortège för Chalmers.

Det var klart att vi inte kunde missa detta, annars brukar man inte gå och titta så ofta, men vädret var ju suverän och stämningen i stan också. Massor av folk, från pitte små till äldre.
Även i år så har studenterna tagit fram de hetaste nyheterna och presenterad de med fina utsmykta vagnar, lastbilar och självfixade transportmedel.
Det fanns något att skratta för alla och något i efterhand att fundera över kanske...
I alla fall var det roligt.

Att det är brist om bostadsrätter i Gbg är väl ingen nyhet! Men kanske ska man börja att bygga sådana fina söta småa kojor som man har i Japan och hyra ut de till alla stackars studenterna!

En galen student!

Och vilken skandal det var och är. 2009 största skandal skulle jag nästan tror är detta. Till och med franska TV har nu tagit upp svenska reportage om levande dunplockning på gås. Fiiiii på er som gör sådant! Jag ska akta mig framöver att inte köpa några dunsaker mer utan att jag vet varifrån de kommer och jag har garanti på det!

En charmig student med blommor!


Det är våren även för mina katter Leo och Tigris.

Förra helgen var vi ute och städade min bil hemma. Plötslig hörde jag en skata skrika som galning. Vad var detta, tänkte jag? Upp med huvud ovanpå garaget och där satt stora-lilla Leo vacker och tjockis. Sen rupade jag på honom och titta vilken blick! Ska han hoppa på mig eller ej? Ne ne, det gjorde han viss inte! Han ville bara hälsa.